Belgarath the Sorcerer

Belgarath the Sorcerer is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the prequel to the Belgariad novel series. The book is written by David Eddings and Leigh Eddings. David Eddings was a brilliant American writer of fantasy novels who has given much sensational science fiction and fantasy books with his wife, Leigh Eddings, and also individually. He got good feedback for his Pawn of Prophecy novel. Another brilliant book by David Eddings is King of the Murgos.

The audio narration of this book is done by Cameron Beierle. It was a spectacular vocal performance and you will not have any complaints as everything related to narration was in order.

The time when this world was young and the Gods there were still walked along with their worldly children, then someone’s entry changed things. There was an orphan guy, who was quite determined and headstrong. He was the one who set out his foot to explore the world. This marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey that would alter that specific youthful bond into a man and that one into an affine instrument of prophecy. The same was known to everyone as the Belgarath the Sorcerer.

The day approached when Torak, the Dark God split the entire world apart. The Gold Aldur along with his many disciples started with their colossal labor. It was meant to set aright the Destiny. And, Begarath was foremost in their count.

A lot of adults here might have grown up listening to the great stories of Eddings. It will be a very great and special experience to witness this book in audio. It is wonderfully performed and beautifully written.

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