Ball Lightning

This wonder tale “Ball Lightning” is written by Cixin Liu along with Joel Martinsen and narrated by Feodor Chin. This book is a glimpse of Cixin Liu’s wonderful work The Dark Forest and Death’s End.

This is another independent armed forces fictional experience from the “New York Times” top of the line and grant-winning writer of the “Three-Body Trilogy”.

When “Chen’s” folks were burned in front of him by a bang of ball lightning then he dedicated his life to breaking the mystery of the puzzling normal marvel. His hunt took him to turbulent peaks and a test military weapons lab and an old “Soviet science station”.

The more he learned, the more he understood that ball lightning is only the tip of an altogether new domain in molecule physical science. Even though “Chen’s” journey gave a reason to his forlorn life, his explanations behind pursuing his slippery quarry clash with officers and researchers who have intentions of their own, he was a wonderful armed force major with a fixation on risky weaponry and a scientist who has a bad situation for moral contemplations in his resolute quest for information.

This “Ball Lightning” by a renowned Chinese fiction writer “Cixin Liu” and is an exceptional book about what happened when the excellence of logical request faces a push to bridle new revelations with no thought of their potential outcomes.

Liu is a visionary writer with the capacity to portray a convincing substitute reality. The ideas he presented in his book have influenced the followers. The presentation of this volume was an amazing commitment to an extraordinary story. Liu’s name will be set among the best science fiction scholars ever.

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