Bad Luck and Trouble

Jack Reacher works alone all the time and he is a typical loner in that case however very few know that back in the old days he used to have a team. There were eight members in that team and those members still establish contact with each other through special signals only on rare occasions. Jack is without a phone, even so, many think that he is impossible to reach but that is not the case if you are a member of that elite group that he used to work with.

A woman from that team establishes contact with Jack and right away he knows that the matter is of a serious type. A man has been killed and he was no ordinary man rather he was the one that the team used to serve in the old days.

Now the team joins hands together and they are going to make the enemy pay by all means. The enemies have selected the wrong pack to fight with because Jack and his team are not going to show mercy to the enemies. Lee Child shows the audience that Jack can work with a team too and this aspect was not there in No Plan B or The Affair. The story does not stop anywhere and this aspect has remained the same in all the books which are more than a dozen now.

The experience of Dick Hill as the official narrator of this series is also growing and the narration of this series is like fish and chips for him. The enemies are going to run this time and they will beg for mercy too when Jack Reacher and his band are done with them.

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