The world’s strongest nation came down at a rapid pace in the first portion of this story. America that was supposed to be the world’s superpower got hit badly by an unknown source. The attacks were so devastating that they destroyed the entire infrastructure of the land within no time. Power failures and shortage of fuel were among the chief issues. Mobile phones and other communication devices lost their signals and the people of the land lost contact with each other.
Traffic jams blocked the roads and many travelers that were going from one city to another were stranded on the roads. Jim Powell was also somewhere far from home when the crisis started and he along with his friends had to return home on foot. The journey was terrible because they had no supplies left with them. Also, lawlessness quickly engulfed every town and state, the criminals were on the move and looting became a routine.

Joe’s family in Virginia also locked itself up because people started snatching different things from one another. Franklin Horton has started this series right from where the previous book ended. Jim despite all the hardships has still failed in reaching his destination.
Jim’s family is in great danger because the local police have set the prisoners free because of the lack of food supply. The prisoners have brought hell to the city which Kevin Pierce narrates in full force. Punching Tickets and Child with No Name had suspense and here the story is about the survival of the fittest. America has turned into a jungle where only the strongest can get what he needs.