Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World

Benjamin Alire Saenz writes about several themes and the basic themes are usually those which are complicated for children. Mostly the themes are linked to different aspects which are usually ignored in society. Although certain things are not important for society in the majority it does not mean that there is no one who is sentimentally linked to them.

Sammy and Juliana in Hollywood told about these things on a large scale and this novel is also about the love of two boys who think that the rest of society would never be able to understand them completely. Aristotle was not like the other boys of the school, he was different since the beginning and there was no one with whom he could discuss the matter. He was shy that’s why the rest of the boys used to bully him throughout the day and after school, he had no one to be with. In this lonely condition, Aristotle thought that he would finally get some relaxation when he will finish school after his final years.

During the final year, something changed at once because Dante joined the school and he filled Aristotle’s life with colors. Ari was finally happy to be with Dante because he was so charming and appealing to the core. Suddenly Ari felt that he was different because he started enjoying life and he wanted to be in the company of Dante all the time.

Lin-Manuel Miranda has used different styles in narration to depict different characters so that we as an audience can pick the odd ones out. In the middle of the story, once again Ari comes to the brink of losing everything but this time he is not going to leave everything easily.

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