Angel Trouble

Angel Trouble is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the third book in the 24/7 Demon Mart novel series. The book is written by D.M. Guay. You will find her fiction and fantasy novels dominated by elements of horror, love, and humor. The audio narration of Angel Trouble is done by Todd Haberkorn. It was a good performance with distinct voices. However, his female voices sounded a little plausible.

The grim reaper had lost his job. He was stripped of his machete and then banned completely from reaping. That was the fall of the angel of death finally. He crashes lands into the 24.7 Demon Mart. It didn’t take much longer for Lloyd, DeeDee, and Kevin to discover that spending time with the angel of death was never easy. There were angry exes, lost souls, and many ancient curses as well. Will it be possible for the grim reaper to get together his afterlife? The outlook doesn’t seem to be good at all.

The reaper by no means was the only angel there who appeared to be out of sorts there. Faust, the devilish boss of Lloyd was not at all the same since the time a tentacle monster took him right off an alternate dimension. On the other side, it was his ex-girlfriend who attempted to initiate the zombie apocalypse. He was having a very tough time while juggling a bad new boss and also saving Lloyd from undying damnation.

This is a great story that will have the best humor as compared to the other two books in the series so far. You will love the characters. The performance in the audio novel is good too, besides some slight complaints with some of the female voices.

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