A Shade of Vampire 5: A Blaze of Sun

The fifth part of the series by Bella Forrest is not a surprise because this was the kind of series that could not be contained in the trilogy. There was so much in it at the end of the third and fourth parts that the author was bound to produce a fifth part as well. In the narration, there is once again a longish list of narrators including Zachary Webber, Lucas Daniels, Kate Rudd, Adam Chase, and Robert Petkoff.
All the narrators carried their role well in the series and the task is completed without any kind of pause. When the story begins this time Derek is with Sofia but he still has those dreams about Emilia that he cannot get out of his head. He does not know why the girl just keeps on coming into his dreams when he has not seen her for so many years.

Whether Derek is asleep or awake he keeps on thinking about Emilia, her presence can be felt by him and it appears that she has been keeping an eye on him through the shadows around. Then one day out of nowhere Emilia comes to the island and meets Derek in real flesh and blood. Derek decides to get to the bottom of all this because if the girl vanishes this time without a clue then things will become more difficult for Derek.

Both Sofia and Derek start tracing Emilia and the more they find the more horrifying the situation gets. The Gender Game 2: The Gender Secret and The Gender Game 4: The Gender War were different from this series and that is Bella’s success. The author has never allowed two different series to get mixed up in theme or the progress of the story.

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