A New Earth

Echart Tolle is a new kind of author, he is not the sort who will make you delve deep into human psychology all the time. Though the author talks about these things the objective is not to talk about the negative aspect that has been hurting mankind for many decades.

Rather the author wants us to understand that old habits and thoughts can be changed forever. Instead of pondering on the old things, we should start thinking about new positive ways of life which will make us feel less dejected about our life.

Most of the time we don’t question the motives and trends on which we are leading our life because we don’t dare to go against the routine. The Power of Now told us how different things in our everyday life can change our approach toward life altogether.

Instead of thinking about the future or showing too much concern about it, we should think about the things we have in our grasp at present. Once we start getting control over those things then the future would be tamed quite easily.

Here the author has given the concept of new earth which could be formed within no time if we want to. There is no technology needed, all we have to do is to leave our old egos and think about positive things.

This new earth would be more peaceful because of the change in behaviour which our attitude will bring to it. No one can say that the author has talked about ideal things that are not practically of any use because Tolle has described proper steps which can be followed in order to obtain this new target.

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