Love, at first sight, can never be tamed, that is one thing that S.E. Smith tells us through this story. Whether the two lovers are close neighbors or pole apart they would not be able to control the feeling of love if it starts developing between them. The story takes place in “Chicago” i.e a place where two groups have been engaged in war for the last six years. Both groups want to dominate Chicago but till now neither of them has been successful. The groups of rebels are considered weak but they have managed to stand firm against their strong enemy. Kali Parks is one of the rebels and she has devoted her life to the mission which her brother has started.
Alliance has become tired of all this fighting and this time it has come up with its terminator i.e Razor. Razor shows no mercy towards his enemies and wherever he goes the enemy is just eradicated forever. During a fight, Razor gets injured and he is saved by Kali who disappears after saving the life of her enemy. From here we can observe a change in Razor, the change becomes clear through the narration by David Brenin.

The terminator who came to erase the rebels now starts trying to save them and because of his heart he turns against those who hired him. Pick The King’s Quest and Roam’s Valentine Wish along with this book and you will not be able to leave your room for two to three days. These books are so engaging that they make you spellbound for a very long time. Love scenes and scenes of action both go side by side in the stories and the listener can never decide which aspect of the story he liked the most.