The E-Myth Revisited Audiobook
People like doing business because it is something that can bring instant success and money. Job experiences can make a person prove to be relevant in a field but this is temporary because after a while he will get retired and new people will take his post. This job is not providing a person anything in the end except a few dollars.
Now the question which rises is why so many people like doing jobs and they don’t join the business sector. The real problem is with the myths that are linked to the business world. When we think of starting a business, we suddenly start hearing different things from the people present around and this adds doubts to our minds.
Those doubts make us so much afraid that we shy away from take bold decisions in the business sector. So first of all if you want to establish a business from the ground then the first thing you have to do is to get rid of those false notions. Those inexperienced people who have never participated in any kind of business add those unnecessary evils to your mind.
The business can succeed if you follow the pattern which is being set by successful businessmen. The progress will be slow but your business will grow for sure in a stepwise way. Michael E. Gerber has E-Myth Mastery and The E-Myth Accountant for all the listeners too and this is book is there to refresh those old thoughts. There is so much positivity in these books that right after finishing anyone of them you will stop listening to the doubts of the people.