12 Rules for Life

12 Rules for Life Audiobook

12 Rules for Life is a nonfiction book. It is written by Jordan B. Peterson while the foreword is by Norman Doidge MD. He is a Canadian clinical psychologist, professor, writer, and media personality. He also did a good job with the writing of his Maps of Meaning title. Another worthy book of the author to name here is Beyond Order. Jordan B. Peterson narrated this book himself. He did it quite brilliantly and made this book easy to listen to.

In this book. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson tells us all why skateboarding girls and boys should be left all alone. He also told about what terrible type of fate awaits the ones who criticize so much easier and also why you should look to pet a cat when you find one on the street. [12 Rules For Life AudioBook]

12 Rules For Life AudioBook
12 Rules For Life AudioBook

What does the nervous system of the lowly lobster tell about the importance of standing up straight and gaining success in life? What were the reasons for the ancient Egyptians to worship the capacity to pay due attention as the highest of all the gods? What were some of the most dreadful paths on which people trod when they became arrogant, resentful, and vengeful? Jordan B. Peterson journeyed quite broadly while discussing freedom, discipline, responsibility, adventure, and distilling the wisdom of the world into 12 golden profound and practical rules of life. Those are the rules that would shatter the modern commonplaces of faith, science, and human nature. [12 Rules For Life AudioBook]

In this book, the author encouraged his followers to embark on their own spiritual, intellectual, and ideological journeys into the different disciplines and topics he talked about. The author has the great ability to take on the most challenging ideas and then make them so much entertaining.

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